The EduCare Mark – demonstrate your safeguarding strength

The EduCare Mark – demonstrate your safeguarding strength

EduCare‘s e-learning service is designed to provide all staff with up-to-date knowledge of legislation and best practice, help to create a culture of vigilance, and ensure staff know how to respond to concerns.

What is the EduCare Mark?

The EduCare Mark is provided to EduCare customers to display as a sign of their commitment to Safeguarding and Duty of Care, and to demonstrate that staff have access to high-quality training, created by experts.

Why display The EduCare Mark

Provide reassurance

It is critical to be seen to take a robust and thorough approach to safeguarding. Displaying The EduCare Mark reassures your stakeholders that all staff have access to up-to-date training content.

Protect your organisation

Our expert partner for Child Protection advises that “explicit and strong safeguarding procedures are a huge inhibitor to a potential child abuser looking to come to gain access to children”. By displaying our mark you will demonstrate that your organisation has those procedures in place.

Demonstrate compliance

EduCare’s e-learning content is always kept up-to-date, helping organisations maintain a safer, more compliant service.

Request your copy of The EduCare Mark today

All data will be held in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Note: The EduCare Mark demonstrates a commitment to duty of care training rather than evidence of meeting any standards, or an assurance/guarantee that staff have taken or passed EduCare training. The EduCare Mark is only available to current customers to download.

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