Ditch the Label’s Annual Bullying Survey

Ditch the Label’s Annual Bullying Survey

Published annually in collaboration with schools and colleges, The Annual Bullying Survey is the largest benchmark of bullying in the United Kingdom.

The survey gathers the opinions and experiences of young people who are currently studying in high schools and colleges nationwide.

Over 10,000 young people took part this year, meaning that the team at Ditch the Label have been able to shed light on some of the biggest bullying-related issues affecting young people in the United Kingdom today:

  • 1-in-2 have experienced bullying
  • 36% of those who have been bullied said it made them feel depressed
  • 1-in-4 turned to self-harm as a coping mechanism.

The report also showed that young people who have a learning or physical disability or who identify as LGBT+ are some of the most likely to be bullied., and race and religion were also linked to rates of bullying, with students identifying as ‘White other/ European’ being some of the most likely to experience bullying.

Cyberbullying continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing young people online. The report uncovers the true extent and impact of online abuse, finding that the majority of young people have at some point done something that could be considered as abusive online behaviour.

And social media addiction is also highlighted as a key trend in the report, with the majority of respondents unable to switch off for a sustained period of time.

Download the report from the Ditch the Label website

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Preventing Bullying

The purpose of the course is to help you understand, recognise and prevent bullying behaviour.

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Preventing Bullying

At the end of the course, learners will:

  • Understand what bullying is, including the five components of bullying behaviour
  • Identify who may be affected by bullying, as there are some groups of people who are likely to be more affected than others
  • Understand the role technology can play in bullying behaviour (cyberbullying)
  • Be able to recognise a child who may be being bullied and understand the damaging physical and emotional effects
  • Be able to put actions in place to tackle bullying in their organisation or setting
Additional information

Preventing bullying behaviour

This resource covers the process of creating an effective anti-bullying policy. It includes practical suggestions as well as links to additional reading to broaden and deepen your knowledge of bullying and cyber-bullying.

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