Health and Care Providers: Can you evidence staff training?
Being able to demonstrate a good level of staff training can be the difference between receiving an outstanding or inadequate rating by CQC inspectors.
The following comments are taken from CQC inspection reports:
“Staff told us, and the records confirmed that they had received a wide range of training that was tailored to their individual needs, appropriate for their role and regularly updated.”
“The induction process was detailed and enabled them to perform their role with confidence.”
“Staff told us they had received safeguarding training and that their knowledge of the safeguarding procedures was refreshed through completing annual update training. The staff training records also confirmed this took place.”
“A comprehensive induction training programme was used that covered topics such as promoting people's rights, choice, dignity and independence. Records of staff training evidenced that specific training had been provided on meeting the needs of people using the service.”
“Staff had received necessary training and had the support to carry out their roles effectively.”
“Staff completed the Care Certificate as part of their induction, which is an identified set of standards that social care workers work through based on their competency.”
“Staff had the training and support they needed to care and support people.”
“Records showed staff had received training in such subjects as fire safety, food hygiene, moving and handling and infection control.”
“Staff also received guidance which gave them the knowledge and skills to support people with dementia.”
Requires improvement:
“Staff had not received training in all area's to provide them with the knowledge and skills to effectively support people.”
“We looked at the training matrix which demonstrated 12 staff had not had recent safeguarding training. This meant staff had not been supported to update their practice to care for people safely.”
“12 staff had not had recent training on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). This had the potential to place people at risk in the home, and did not demonstrate an effectively trained workforce.”
“From the information provided at the time of the
“Staff training provided did not equip staff with the knowledge and skills to support people safely. There was no evidence staff knowledge and implementation was checked following completion of specific training courses. This is a breach of Regulation 18 (2) (Staffing); Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
“Staff did not receive comprehensive training or supervision to support them in their roles.”
“The registered manager told us they did not have systems in place to ensure that staff new to care completed the Care Certificate during their induction period.”
“Failing to ensure that staff received training and supervision to support them in their role was a breach of Regulation 18 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.”
EduCare can help
EduCare for Health & Social Care is our comprehensive e-learning service combines essential training for health and social care staff with a robust reporting suite that evidences learning to inspectors.
As well as core content that maps to both the Care Certificate and the UK Core Skills Training Framework for Health (CSTF), our service also offers a broad range of other Duty of Care topics such as Fire Safety, GDPR, Safer Recruitment and Health & Safety – providing a holistic suite of content for all your training needs.
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