New course - Effective health and safety for children with SEND
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new course to help schools support children with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) or Additional Support Need (ASN).
Dawn Jotham, our Pastoral Care Expert, explains why we have chosen this subject area for our latest course:
“All children and young people are entitled to an education. Some pupils with SEND and ASN may need adjustments to be made to the school day and school environment to help them access mainstream education. In doing so, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 must be adhered to, to help keep pupils, staff and volunteers safe.
"This course can help you understand more about managing risk and making reasonable adjustments."
Effective Health and Safety for Children with SEND and ASN online training course
What's included in our Effective Health and Safety for Children with SEND and ASN online training course?
Legislation and guidance
A brief description of the five key pieces of legislation and guidance relevant to the health and safety of children with SEND and ASN.
- Health and Safety at Work Act etc 1974
- Manual Handling Regulations 1992
- Equality Act 2010
- Children and Families Act 2014
- SEND Code of Practice
Managing risk
A series of scenarios to guide you through the 5-step risk assessment process and how to implement it in your setting.
- Identify the hazards
- Establish who might be harmed by these hazards and how
- Look at what is already in place and what action could be taken to reduce the risk
- Record your findings
- Review regularly
Reasonable adjustments
A range of examples that show how access can be enabled, including changing the physical environment, providing extra aids or services, and changing the way that things are done.
Moving and handling
A look at the health and safety requirements for moving and handling that protect children, young people and adults.
Other considerations
The course covers transport to and from school (and school trips), wheelchair access, medication in schools, and slips, trips and falls.
Emergency procedures
How to ensure the safe evacuation of children with SEND and ASN in case of emergency. This section looks at Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) and who needs one, using examples of young people with different needs.
The course costs £10.50 to buy online or can be bought as an addition to our online learning service – EduCare for Education.
Save money with our online learning service
There are now over 35 courses in our best-selling online learning service, and as access is available to all courses on an unlimited basis across the whole school community, this makes EduCare for Education one of the most cost-effective ways to purchase safeguarding and duty of care training.
Get in touch to find out more
Effective Health and Safety for Children with SEND and ASN Online Course
All children and young people have a right to education, regardless of any special educational needs or disability (SEND) or additional support needs (ASN). This course will help you to understand your legal obligations regarding the health and safety of those with SEND and ASN.
Read moreEffective Health and Safety for Children with SEND and ASN Online Course
This course comprehensively covers:
- Legislation and guidance
- Managing risk
- Reasonable adjustments
- Moving and handling
- Other considerations
- Emergency procedures
SEND Awareness Courses - Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism
SEND Awareness contains three one-module courses, written in partnership with Connect.
- Autism Awareness - covers what autism is, its prevalence and causes, how it is diagnosed and the implications for pupil learning.
- Dyslexia Awareness - provides an overview of dyslexia and visual stress for those that work with children and young people.
- ADHD Awareness - covers the causes, prevalence, symptoms and diagnosis through to treatment and how to support children with ADHD.
SEND Awareness Courses - Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism
Written in partnership with Connect, SEND Awareness includes three one-module courses designed to provide an overview of Autism, Dyslexia, and ADHD for those working in education.
Read moreEffective Health and Safety for Children with SEND and ASN Online Course
This course comprehensively covers:
- Legislation and guidance
- Managing risk
- Reasonable adjustments
- Moving and handling
- Other considerations
- Emergency procedures
SEND Awareness Courses - Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism
SEND Awareness contains three one-module courses, written in partnership with Connect.
- Autism Awareness - covers what autism is, its prevalence and causes, how it is diagnosed and the implications for pupil learning.
- Dyslexia Awareness - provides an overview of dyslexia and visual stress for those that work with children and young people.
- ADHD Awareness - covers the causes, prevalence, symptoms and diagnosis through to treatment and how to support children with ADHD.