Plan your inset day

Plan your inset day

September is a busy time in schools with new starters in both the class room and the staff room, and the extended summer break can impact families in many ways.

As such, safeguarding should be a key focus for every school in the new academic year.

All new staff should take safeguarding training and you will need to ensure your records are kept up-to-date to evidence their learning to inspectors.

There are a range of issues that are particularly pertinent at this time of year which we would recommend are addressed in your September inset days:

Preventing Bullying

New children may be particularly vulnerable to bullying as children vie to assert their authority.

Read more about this course

Preventing Bullying

Online Safety

An increase in a child’s free time generally goes hand in hand with an increase in online usage; in turn this can mean an increased risk of exposure to child sexual exploitation and online grooming.

Read more about this course

Online Safety

Female Genital Mutilation

The summer is a prevalent time for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) with many girls being taken out of the country to undergo the procedure. It is important to be vigilant and take note of any changes in behaviour that cause concern.

Read more about this course

Female Genital Mutilation

Child Neglect

It is important to get to know any new pupil; their presentation, their access to food and their general demeanour could indicate there are problems at home or that they are struggling.

Read more about this course

Child Neglect

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Once the normal routines of school are left behind, children and young people can be exposed to different people and situations. The increase in free time and being out on the streets can lead to increased vulnerability to CSE.

Read more about this course

Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Protection

Unfortunately, many instances of child abuse come from within the family. Visits and visitors over the summer break may expose some children to harm. Once again, it is important to understand the signs of abuse and look for any changes in behaviour.

Read more about this course

Child Protection

The Prevent duty

As the Prevent Duty continues to hit the headlines it is important to be aware of how external influences and peer pressure can affect children and young adults.

Read more about this course

All of the above courses are included within our EduCare for Education® service for Primary and Secondary Schools, and most are included in our service for Colleges and Universities.

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The Prevent duty

Please do get in touch if you would like to discuss any aspect of your service with our team.

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