Preventing Bullying Training: Why is it So Important?

Preventing Bullying Training: Why is it So Important?

Bullying behaviour has become so prevalent that many people believe that it is an almost inevitable part of growing up in today’s society. Tragically, since the results of the Brexit referendum, there has been a sharp spike in race-related hate crimes across the UK. This increase in hate crime and hate speech has also been occurring in schools across the country.

Bullying can have devastating effects, not just to the individual who experiences it, but to the wider community where it occurs. Additionally, in the majority of cases where bullying occurs, the bully themselves is experiencing difficulties at home which are causing them to act out - or they might even be being bullied themselves.

With this in mind, preventing bullying training is more important than ever before. The Department for Education recently released a statement, saying “no child should live in fear of racism and bullying”. Preventing bullying training can help staff and teachers ensure that all the children in your care are safe from bullying behaviour.  

What can I do to prevent bullying?

It is important to give your staff comprehensive, insightful guidance on what bullying is, including the five key components of bullying behaviour: aggression, repetition, imbalance of power, intent to cause harm and an outcome that is physically or emotionally abusive.

Staff should also be able to recognise the signs and symptoms of children and young people who may be being bullied, as well as identifying the individuals who are more likely to be more affected than others. There are different behavioural signs that can imply that a child is the subject of bullying. These might manifest themselves in the form of mood swings (depression, anxiety, evasiveness) or they might be more obvious, with many bullied children reluctant to join in activities with their peers or even ride the school bus alone.

Since these signs and symptoms can vary from age group to age group, it’s essential that your staff are appropriately informed. Examine the role that technology can play in bullying behaviour, along with how this can be prevented by schools.

What Can My Staff Gain From Preventing Bullying Training?

Preventing bullying training will give your staff a comprehensive overview of what bullying is and how it can be managed appropriately. It’ll also cover who is affected by bullying, as well as the individuals who are more likely to be more affected than others. Another crucial part of preventing bullying training is its examination of the role that technology can play in bullying behaviour, along with how this can be prevented in schools.

Perhaps the most important issue is how to deal with bullying behaviour when it occurs within your setting. There are a number of strategies you can employ both at an organisational and individual level to tackling bullying behaviour. Amongst these are breaking up gangs, discussing exactly what bullying is with a class, deciding on behavioural rules with your children and teaching them the importance of respect and maintaining healthy relationships, both in playgrounds and outside of school.

What Is Preventing Bullying Training?

Preventing bullying training is an essential tool for any organisation that brings employees into contact with children or young people. It enables your staff to not only recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse, but to also prevent incidents of bullying within their school or setting.

The purpose of preventing bullying training is to help individuals who work with children — such as teachers, school staff, and after-school volunteers — understand, recognise, and prevent behaviour that has bullying aspects to it. Preventing bullying training draws directly from in-depth research that has been conducted on the issue, giving it a poignant, up-to-date perspective.

Training also addresses which children and young people may be at an increased risk of bullying, the effects of bullying within schools and other group settings, and what can be done on an individual level to prevent such incidents occurring.

Preventing bullying training enables your staff to halt these damaging cycles of behaviour. EduCare is a leading provider of safeguarding and duty of care training. We strive to help all workplaces and individuals in taking care of those under their responsibility. Work with children? Access your free trial of preventing bullying training.

The Preventing Bullying course on recognising and preventing bullying behaviour is part of EduCare's training bundle for education settings. Find out about the EduCare for Education training courses today.

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