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Safeguarding Adults in Health and Social Care
Official figures released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre show that 63% of referrals relating to the abuse of adults in England were for individuals over 65.
The most common type of abuse referral was for neglect.
What is Duty of Care?
All workplaces have a moral and a legal obligation to ensure that everyone associated with the establishment is fully protected from any personal physical and/or emotional harm, either on the premises or when engaged in activities relating to the establishment.
Who may be at risk of abuse?
The Care and Support statutory guidance, issued under the Care Act 2014 states that the safeguarding duties apply to an adult who:
- has needs for care and support
- is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse and neglect
- is unable to protect themselves from abuse and neglect
Which adults are most at risk?
An adult at risk may be a person who:
- has physical or mental disabilities
- has a sensory impairment
- has learning difficulties
- is homeless
- is detained in lawful custody
- is in a controlling relationship
- is unable to demonstrate the capacity to make a decision and is in need of care and support.
Any situation where one person is reliant on another could, potentially, lead to abuse. To prevent this happening, all support given should be
Six key safeguarding principles
There are six key principles to safeguarding aimed at creating an environment in which a vulnerable person has as much control over their lives as possible, to live their life as they would like.
The six principles are:
- Empowerment – people are supported to make their own decisions and have control over their lives
- Prevention – informing people about abuse, what to look for and how to report it
- Proportionality – supporting the person without being over-protective
- Protection – providing support for those in most need
- Partnership – services working together, helping to detect any indicators of abuse
- Accountability – everyone knows their roles and responsibilities and abides by these
The responsibilities of people who work in Health and Social Care
It is the responsibility of people who work in Health and Social care to work in a way that will help to prevent abuse.
This means providing good quality care and support and putting the individual at the
Everyone needs to be alert to the possibility of abuse. Remember it can happen in any setting and anyone could be the abuser, so it is important to learn to
Employees will need to read their workplace policies and procedures for safeguarding which will provide information on the steps to follow in reporting concerns of abuse. To learn more about Safeguarding Adults in Health & Social Care view our course here.
It is good practice for workplaces to have a designated safeguarding lead and in health and social
The Care Certificate
Standard 10 of the Care Certificate relates to Safeguarding Adults
The outcome of that standard is that the learner must:
- Understand the principles of Safeguarding adults
- Explain the term safeguarding adults
- Explain their own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals
- List the main types of abuse
- Describe what constitutes harm
- Explain why an individual may be vulnerable to harm or abuse
- Describe what constitutes restrictive practices
- List the possible indicators of abuse
- Describe the nature and scope of harm to and abuse of adults at risk
- List a range of factors which have featured in adult abuse and neglect
- Demonstrate the importance of ensuring individuals are treated with dignity and respect when providing health and care services
- Describe where to get information and advice about their role and responsibilities in preventing and protecting individuals from harm and abuse
- Reduce the likelihood of abuse
- Describe how care environments can promote or undermine people's dignity and rights
- Explain the importance of
individualised ,person-centred care - Explain how to apply the basic principles of helping people to keep themselves safe
- Explain the local arrangements for the implementation of multi-agency Safeguarding Adult’s policies and procedures
- List ways in which the likelihood of abuse can be reduced by managing risk and focusing on prevention
- Explain how a clear complaints procedure reduces the likelihood of abuse
- Respond to suspected or disclosed abuse
- Explain what to do if abuse of an adult is suspected; including how to raise concerns within local whistleblowing policy procedures
- Protect people from harm and abuse – locally and nationally
- List relevant legislation, local and national policies and procedures which relate to safeguarding adults
- Explain the importance of sharing information with the relevant agencies
- Describe the actions to take if they experience barriers in alerting or referring to relevant agencies
EduCare can help
EduCare for Health® is our complete safeguarding and duty of care service for the Health and Care sector combines a broad range of online training courses – including Safeguarding Adults – with a robust reporting suite that will evidence learning to CQC inspectors.
The courses map to both the Care Certificate and the Core Skills Training Framework for Health (CSTF).
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EduCare’s Health & Social Care training package is so competitively priced that the courses work out to be less than £2 per-person, per-course. That’s less than the price of a Flat White!
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