Safeguarding children in sport - what you can do to protect children
After a dedicated football sex abuse hotline received 860 calls in its first week, 15 police forces are now investigating allegations of historical child sex abuse in football, including the Metropolitan Police, Greater Manchester Police and Cheshire Police.
In addition, the chief executive of the funding body UK Sport said if any sport did not take enough action to deal with the issue of abuse, it would reconsider its funding.
It is vital for sports clubs and National Governing Bodies (NGBs) to ensure they safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Safeguarding policy and procedure
According to the Statutory guidance 'Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015)' safeguarding children and protecting them from harm is everyone’s responsibility with everyone who comes into contact with children having a role to play.
It is important for organisations to have up-to-date safeguarding policies and procedures in place, whilst ensuring ALL employees, volunteers, members and coaches have the knowledge required to take action if they suspect something is wrong – whatever their role or responsibility.
Responsibilities include:
- Ensuring good safeguarding policy and procedures are implemented
- Making sure ALL staff and volunteers are aware of, and adhere to policy and procedure
- Provide training as part of induction for new starters
- Ensure existing staff complete child protection refresher courses regularly
An immediate solution for safeguarding children in sport
EduCare for Sport & Leisure provides essential safeguarding and duty of care training for leisure centres, sports clubs, National Governing Bodies (NGB).
The comprehensive solution of 12 safeguarding and duty of care e-learning courses ensures you fulfil your legal safeguarding and duty of care training requirements.
Key courses include:
- Child Protection in Sport & Active Leisure
- An Introduction to Child Sexual Exploitation
- Safer Recruitment
- Preventing Bullying
- Online Safety
- Child Protection Refresher
- Plus many more
Read more about the EduCare for Sport & Leisure training course bundle, or contact us to discuss your training needs and access your no obligation quote.
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