News | EduCare

Health, Safety and Employee Responsibility

Health, Safety and Employee Responsibility

As an employer in today’s ‘blame nation’ it can be increasingly difficult and nerve wracking when dealing with employee health and safety. Whilst businesses, HR staff and senior management put every precaution into place, it can feel like you’re never far away from the next health and safety hiccup. We understand ...

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Tips for Helping Kids Choose Safe Screen Names

Tips for Helping Kids Choose Safe Screen Names

Make sure that children in your care aren't giving away too much information with their screen names. Kids are practically inseparable from technology. Whether it is reading a book on an e-reader, playing Minecraft with friends online, gaming, or watching videos on YouTube, children and teens are spending a lot more time online. ...

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Student Advisory Boards Inform Bullying Policies

Student Advisory Boards Inform Bullying Policies

Student advisory boards have existed in schools for many years, informing a range of policies, from campus rules to extracurricular programming. As many schools have found, involving the student body in major decision making ultimately helps students become happier with and more compliant of policy that impacts them. Increasingly, student advisory ...

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Why Your Kids Shouldn't Be on Facebook

Why Your Kids Shouldn't Be on Facebook

It’s important that children are very familiar with eSafety rules before they create a Facebook account. While 13 is the minimum age required to set up a Facebook account, many children under this age set up accounts on Facebook and other social networks by entering in false date of birth information. Social ...

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