News | EduCare

Homophobia in schools: taking responsibility.

Homophobia in schools: taking responsibility.

Tom Daley, Ellen Page and Tim Cook are among a handful of celebrities to openly disclose their sexuality. Whilst society is a lot more accepting than it previously was, homophobia is still a major problem that can have a devastating effect on individuals. ‘You’re gay’, ‘this is gay’ and ‘homo’ are ...

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Data protection: is your school compliant?

Data protection: is your school compliant?

Data protection and information security have always been top priority for organisations, but recent media coverage has brought home the importance of compliance. Incidents involving data breaches from high profile brands, has sparked greater awareness and encouraged organisations to take data protection more seriously. The result of one small error could ...

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The importance of first aid training cannot be stressed enough.

The importance of first aid training cannot be stressed enough.

Soon after the completion of her maternity leave, work was slowly becoming a routine for Joanne Thompson. It was her third day back after dropping off Millie, her nine-month daughter, to the nursery. However, it wasn’t more than a few hours later when she had received a phone call informing ...

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