News | EduCare

Focus on - data protection

Focus on - data protection

Do you ever need to grasp just the essentials of a subject without having to deal with lots of extra confusing, and sometimes, conflicting information? EduCare Business Skills Online is a set of 15 single module online learning courses that do exactly that - give you the essentials (not the confusing, ...

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Child Protection Training is Essential for Every Adult at your School

Child Protection Training is Essential for Every Adult at your School

The whole school community is wide and diverse, but everyone in an education establishment has a responsibility to provide a safe environment for children and young people by: preventing unsuitable people from working there promoting safe practice and challenging unsafe practice identifying children suffering or likely to ...

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Workplace deaths reach record low

Workplace deaths reach record low

The Health and Safety Executive has announced that the number of people killed in the workplace last year reached a record low. In 2009/10, only 151 workers died in accidents at work. This compares to an average of over 200 over the last 5 years. Health and Safety training is an essential ...

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