Abertay University has appointed the world's first Professor of Duty of Care in Sport

Abertay University has appointed the world's first Professor of Duty of Care in Sport

Professor David Lavallee will take the unique position with the backing of Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, who recently conducted an independent review into Duty of Care in Sport.

The appointment has been made with a view to leading international research and education on a vast range of issues from bullying and harassment to equality and inclusion.

Medals over morals

The universities press release states:

“The way people involved in sport at all levels are supported has become a focus of attention, with the treatment of athletes as commodities and the prioritisation of ‘medals over morals’ being criticised.

“It could be argued that this approach will in the long term lose its aim of inspiring a nation and adversely affect the recruitment and retention of the people in sport, whether they are taking part, coaching, volunteering or involved in some other capacity.

“The issue has been thrust into the spotlight following the recent emergence of historical child abuse in UK football; however, a raft of other areas such as dropout, doping or the harmful effects of regular impacts to the body and brain also fall under the banner.

“Recent investigations into alleged lack of duty of care in a number of Olympic and Paralympic sports have also focused on athletes and the need for coaches and support staff to be better equipped to recognise mental health and discrimination.”

Sport needs a robust duty of care approach

Professor Lavallee, commented:

“Sport around the world needs a robust duty of care approach in order to protect its unique position and impact in society. It is an important part of the next evolutionary phase of world class sporting systems. My role will focus on working in partnership with stakeholders who aspire to provide the highest duty of care in sport.

“High-quality, independent evidence and impartial analysis has a big part to play in creating a sustainable positive impact on people involved in sport, both now and in the future. My work will also focus on providing education on Duty of Care in Sport to inform and influence the next generation of leaders in sport.”

EduCare for Sport

As the UK’s leading provider of safeguarding and duty of care training, our e-learning service for the sports and leisure sector combines a broad range of essential training courses with a robust reporting suite to evidence learning.

Jo Aldridge, EduCare’s Sports Partnership Manager for the sports sector commented:

“The customers who I speak to tell me that Child Protection, Equality and Diversity and Preventing Bullying are key duty of care issues that they are keen to address. Mental wellbeing is fast becoming an increasingly important issue. Appointing a key academic figure to promote the importance of keeping sport safe is a significant step forward.”

EduCare is the UK’s leading provider of safeguarding and duty of care training, our e-learning service for the sports and leisure sector combines a broad range of essential training courses with a robust reporting suite to evidence learning.

Photo credit: Abertay University

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