EduCare Advent Care-ndar – Day sixteen
What is Duty of Care? What are your legal and moral obligations? On Day 16 of our Advent
What is Duty of Care?
Everyone has a duty of care – it is not something that you can choose.
“Duty of care is all encompassing” - it is the responsibility a person or business has to act in a reasonable way to ensure the health, safety and
If you are an employee, Duty of Care may simply be a legal duty covered in your role to:
- always act in the best interests of individuals and others
- provide care and support for individuals within your employer’s policies, procedures and agreed ways of working
- act in a way that protects people and their property from harm or abuse.
Duty of Care training
It is important that, in your role, you have the knowledge and skills to act on your duty of care and only accept work if you believe you can do it safely.
Understanding fire drills, reading written procedures on agreed ways of handling medication and cooking and food storage are some of the routine ways to make sure that practising duty of care.
EduCare can help
Our comprehensive Duty of Care e-learning services combines multiple training courses such as fire safety, health and safety and first aid into one cost-effective bundle.
Throughout December we are offering 10% off our Duty of Care services for the Sports, Health and Education sectors.
Get in touch to find out more
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