EduCare forms new partnership with Winston’s Wish

EduCare forms new partnership with Winston’s Wish

EduCare’s mission is to share essential knowledge . Our portfolio of training courses covers a broad range of topics that have one common goal - to spread good practice in safeguarding people from abuse and promoting duty of care.

Bereavement and loss in childhood affects children and young people in many ways and the death of a close family member has been shown to be a risk factor for children and young people.

As such, EduCare is delighted to announce that we have been working with Winston’s Wish, the UK’s first childhood bereavement charity, to develop a new course aimed at people who work in schools and educational settings to help understand what needs to be in place to support anyone involved with a bereavement.

Emma Radley, Director of Fundraising and Communications at Winston’s Wish, commented:

“We provide a range of resources to support schools and also offer in-depth 3-day training sessions that combine bereavement and loss awareness with sessions on resilience.

“By working with EduCare to prepare this online training course that supports our work is a new opportunity for our charity. By providing this new course to EduCare’s existing customer base we are taking an important step in reaching out to the 41,000 children who are bereaved every single year in the UK.”

Dawn Jotham is EduCare’s Product Development Lead for Education. She approached Winston’s Wish to form the partnership and has worked with them to create course content. Speaking about the partnership Dawn commented:

“Safeguarding children and young people from harm means taking a contextual approach and looking at all factors in their lives, whether they take place in the school grounds or not. Childhood bereavement can have far reaching consequences, for examples, the occurrence of suffering bereavement in childhood can be 41% higher in youth offenders than the national average.

“Because of the importance of helping children through a bereavement, we will be adding this new course to our EduCare for Education® service at no extra cost. This means the service now contains almost 30 courses for schools to access on an unlimited basis, which brings us closer delivering our mission of a safe environment for all.”

New online training course - Dealing with Bereavement and Loss

The new course developed in partnership with Winston’s Wish will cover:

  • the effects of grief on a child or young person
  • how a death may impact school life, and how information about the death should be shared with pupils and staff
  • how bereavement can be handled either as a whole school or individually, including remembrances and returning to school after a death
  • how to manage potentially difficult topics and avoid unnecessarily painful comments when communicating with a bereaved pupil or student
  • how to communicate with children and young people about tragic events in the media
  • the factors relating to how children or young people will respond to a death
  • how to ensure the bereaved pupil or student’s needs are respected and supported by all staff who come into contact with them
  • what should be included in a bereavement policy and the guidance staff need to support everyone during a potentially difficult time
  • when to seek further help and support on bereavement for children or young people, their families or even staff members within the school.

The course costs £18.50 to buy online for individual learners. If organisations wish to purchase the course, discounts are available for more than 10 learners, or the course will be added to our EduCare for Education® service which is available on an unlimited basis.

EduCare for Education®

EduCare for Education® combines a broad range of safeguarding and duty of care courses, such as Child Protection, The Prevent Duty, FGM Awareness, Safer Recruitment, Online Safety, Mental Wellbeing, A Practical Guide to the GDPR, Health and Safety, Food Hygiene, Fire Safety and many more into one cost-effective package. All courses within the service have been updated to refer to the latest Statutory Guidance Keeping children safe in education. The service also includes a robust reporting suite to monitor and evidence learning to inspectors.

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Dealing with Bereavement and Loss

Produced in partnership with Winston’s Wish, the UK’s first childhood bereavement charity, this course will help you understand what needs to be in place to support everyone involved with a bereavement in a school or college.

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Dealing with Bereavement and Loss

The course covers:

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  • how a death may impact school life, and how information about the death should be shared with pupils and staff
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